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Mark & Melissa Ellis

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Mark & Melissa are currently on an extended furlough while their kids launch into adulthood. Melissa is working at the ACTION USA office. Mark and Melissa are from Everett, Washington. They both grew up in godly homes and developed a heart for missions at an early age. Mark has been leading short-term mission trips from his church for years and comes from a mission-minded family with two brothers who are missionaries, both of whom he has served alongside in short-term ministry. Melissa spent 4 years in the Ivory Coast teaching missionary kids from 1989-1993.The two met at Edgewood Baptist Church and were married in 1995. They have prayed through the years for a chance to serve the Lord in missions full time. In August of 2012, they visited the Philippines on a short-term mission trip and fell in love with the country and the people. Both felt God telling them that it was time to become full time missionaries. They visited Faith Academy and knew immediately that they would love to work with missionary kids and staff there. 

In July of 2015, they moved their family of three children to Manila to begin serving the Lord in full time mission work. Mark is now serving as the Ministry Coordinator for Faith Academy. As Ministry Coordinator, Mark is responsible for 13 different ministries, including Bible studies for both support staff and for dads of students and prayer ministries for staff and for parents. Mark is also involved with several ministries where students either go off campus to minister to the poor or to work with various Christian ministries in the Manila area. He also brings up to 400 children from the surrounding communities to the Faith Academy campus for the purpose of sharing God’s message of salvation to them through a VBS format. Mark also leads short-term mission trips for both students and staff down on Mindoro Island with the goal of reaching the lost and to help develop a missionary worldview in students. One of the ministries that is very dear to him is for children who have been trafficked (many of them in the horrible sex trades against their will). Lastly, Mark coaches soccer and tennis teams at Faith Academy to mentor boys and girls through devotions and to set an example of what it means to live for God. Melissa teaches 3rd Grade at Faith. She is also involved with the ministries that Mark does for children.