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SarahBeth Gossett

$4,000 Project Goal
$4,245 Amount Raised
$0 Still Needed
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Hey there!!

My name is SarahBeth! I love Jesus with all my heart, and I have a passion for helping victims and survivors of human trafficking. Every person is precious, made in the image of God, and deserves to live in freedom and dignity.

This summer, Jesus has given me an amazing opportunity through Action International Ministries; I will be serving with a local ministry in Costa Rica called Refuge City that combats human trafficking.

My summer will be full of showing the love of Jesus to the community and joining in the mighty work God is already doing there. I will join prayer vigils in front of brothels, serve food to those in need, help with fun educational programs for at-risk children, build relationships with women rescued from prostitution, and be a part of the community life of the local missionaries. I will also use my communications skills to capture God’s hand at work by conducting interviews, writing stories, and building a fundraising and awareness campaign for Refuge City.

I need YOUR help! Please consider:

  • Give: I need to raise finances to cover this trip! I have full faith that God will provide, and maybe you’ll be a part of that!
  • Pray: James 5:16 says your prayers are powerful and effective!
  • Share: help me reach my fundraising goal by sharing this! Even if you don’t know me well, it’s about the work Jesus is doing!