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Matthew & Elvia Tinney

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Matthew and Elvia love living in and among the beach community of the San Quintin Valley for the sake of heralding the Good News of Jesus Christ. They enjoy being part of a small local church in an area South of San Quintin called Santa Maria and serving the community there through teaching, discipling, and mercy ministries.

Matt and Elvia both grew up in San Diego, California, approximately 6 hours north of San Quintin, Baja California, Norte Mexico. Matt and Elvia have a long history with the area. Elvia first visited Santa Maria over 45 years ago when she came with medical teams as an interpreter. Over the years, she has become close friends with many of the families in Santa Maria. 

Their mission extends to the diverse indigenous population that forms the backbone of the farming and agricultural community in the San Quintin Valley. They enjoy living amongst many of the migrant workers who work in the nearby agricultural farms. Their neighbors consist of many indigenous migrant workers from various places in Mexico, like Oxacca, Veracruz, and Sinaloa. Some of the seasonal workers come from as far away as Guatemala or Haiti. Many of the indigenous workers speak only their native language.  

The house in Santa Maria that the Tinneys live in is next door to the local preschool and elementary school. Their desire is to serve the small schools while building relationships with the students, their parents, and teachers from the school for the sake of the Gospel. There are opportunities for after-school classes for the kids who typically go home to empty living spaces because both parents may be working in the agricultural fields until early evenings.  

The Tinneys great desire is for people reading this post to pray that the God of the Bible would use them to help make his name great in Santa Maria and the surrounding Valley of San Quintin, through the Gospel of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit. Please pray that, through their local church, there would be teaching and preaching of God’s Word so that, through discipleship in the church, they would see disciples of Christ who make new disciples of Christ.