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Ministry Opportunities

Explore some of our short-term and long-term ministry and field worker needs below.

Have a ministry calling, idea, or avenue? Looking for a sending agency? Please contact our mobilization department to explore it with them!
ACTION Cambodia is looking for committed Christians to join their team as full-time missionaries to live and share Christ with the urban poor while...
Live and serve with a missionary team in a poor community of São Paulo, teaching kids during their out-of-school hours and loving them into the...
Do you have a desire, a passion, to serve the Lord in a cross-cultural environment overseas, over a longer time period, but don’t feel called to...
ACTION Cambodia is looking for committed Christians to join their team as full-time missionaries to serve in the Children in Crisis ministry as...
Work at KIDS Home alongside the Sisons and have a real impact in children's lives by sharing Christ and speaking Truth. Connect through sports,...
An intern to disciple and train a group of Zambian youth to disciple and evangelize children. They would be responsible for developing and...
Enabling ACTION members (missionaries) with technology to advance the Gospel and disciple believers
Gain exposure to global missions and learn about the needs of neglected children, especially their educational needs
Seeking professional technicians at all skill levels and technical specialties to volunteer
ACTION Colombia is looking for someone to join their team as a full-time missionary to serve as Literacy Ministry Coordinator
Interns would come work alongside a missionary to minister to children at risk and the urban and rural poor through street evangelism.
Serve the local church by facilitating special evangelism events and community projects. Take mission trips with local believers from Asunción to...