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27 Apr 19
Daren Beck, Associate International Director
No Power, No Water, No Problem...He is Risen!
The last several months has seen our water and power cut daily. I would LOVE to say that it hasn’t been a problem but that might be...
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25 Apr 19
Mike Gingerich, Philippines Director
Foxy Stories
Creative Discipleship with your MKs - "An old high school friend of mine was writing a book called 'Dad-Verbs' and asked for things...
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18 Apr 19
Brian Stewart, USA & Cuba Director
Partner, Promise, and Payment
As you join us in reaching the world for Christ, you are accompanying us in a very costly endeavor.
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15 Apr 19
Brian Stewart, USA & Cuba Director
Wind in Their Sails
Undoubtedly, one of the great missionary heroes of all time is Hudson Taylor, founder of the China Inland Mission.
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10 Apr 19
12 Ways to Pray for Children
Children who are at risk in various spiritual and physical ways around the world need prayer! Here are twelve ways to pray.
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26 Mar 19
Doug Nichols, Founder of Action International Ministries
Ten Problems Missionaries Face
Problem: Discouragement with results of witnessing, progress in churches, growth in converts, uncertainty about lasting ministry....
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20 Mar 19
Mike Gingerich, Philippines Director
Ever try to pry open the jaw of a pit-bull?
Peace involves removing the conditions and causes of hostility that separate people from God, from themselves, and from the world around...
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12 Mar 19
Daren Beck, Associate International Director
Hope for a Factory Worker
Sophy remembers her own childhood when she teaches her classroom full of at-risk children. As a child, she loved studying, but her...
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26 Feb 19
Mike Gingerich, Philippines Director
"Would you like to Biggie Size that, sir?"
I don't eat breakfast. And during the past four or five months, I've been skipping lunch as well. Today was an exception. I drove halfway...
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06 Feb 19
Brian Stewart, USA & Cuba Director
The Poor Have the Gospel Preached to Them
I’m sure you are familiar with the phrase “save the best for last.” In any sort of persuasive writing or speech, such as a legal...
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