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25 Oct 21
Tim and Lindsey Bayne, ACTION Brazil
Update from Tim and Lindsey Bayne
Tim and Lindsey Bayne, along with their 2 children, live in a rural community in Brazil just outside of the city of Fortaleza. They have...
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11 Oct 21
Sarah Graves, ACTION USA
How will YOU hear God’s calling?
“I have something for you to read.” Neil pointed to a Bible verse. Marvin silently read, “Awake to righteousness and sin not; for some...
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07 Sep 21
Thomas Smoak, International Director
Afghan Refugee Family Relief
As thousands of Afghans flee their country, trusted ACTION members in nearby countries are preparing to receive them with compassionate...
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18 Aug 21
Daren Beck, Associate International Director
Pray for Afghanistan
“Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.” Hebrews...
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09 Aug 21
Wayne & Diane Mac Leod - ACTION Canada
Light To My Path Book Distribution
If there is one thing that has characterized this past year, it has been the need for flexibility. At one point, due to COVID, Canada...
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13 Jul 21
Al & Sonie Tadeo - ACTION Philippines
Support a Child, Save a Future Feeding Program
From September of 2020 to June 2021, by the grace of God, we were able to ship a total of 62 “balikbayan” boxes of Gleaners dried...
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09 Jun 21
Sheryl Grunwald – 1for50 Global Movement
1for50 Ministry Update
The global pandemic may have caused ministry to shift, but 1for50 leaders around the world continue doing great things. 1for50 is a...
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21 May 21
Jeff Lai, ACTION Cambodia
Cambodia Missions Update Spring 2021
I praise God for you and your prayers for the gospel work here.
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03 May 21
Bev Carter, ACTION USA
GiveBIG 2021: Help a family in need
The International Emergency Relief fund enables us to help quickly and strategically when disaster strikes
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30 Apr 21
Rex Lee Carlaw - USA Director Emeritus
Thoughts About My Years in Ministry
On March 31, I retired. Brian Stewart asked me to share with you a few thoughts about my years in ministry, which I am happy to do. I...
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