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21 Feb 20
Anja and Rene Gaona, Paraguay
What Is a Lawyer Doing on the Mission Field?
Since its inception in 2016, Paraguay Protects Families came together as a network of faith-based children’s homes, organizations,...
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01 Feb 20
Kelly Huckaby, ACTION Zambia Director
Ministry Update from ACTION Zambia
While many ministries and missions slow down during December and January, here at ACTION Zambia, we seem to get busier and busier!
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29 Jan 20
Amanda Rae Taylor, ACTION Malawi
Glimpse into My First Year in Malawi
Testimony of a year of language and cultural learning in Malawi
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22 Jan 20
Elvis and Stephanie Franco, ACTION Colombia
Christmas Outreach Report from Colombia
This past Christmas, we desired that the children come to the program for the right reasons, so the gifts were a surprise. We are happy...
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19 Jan 20
Matt and Amy Dunn, International Coordinators of Disaster Response
Taal Volcano Relief Efforts
Learn about and give to ACTION's Taal Volcano relief efforts
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02 Jan 20
Derek Dearth, Associate USA Director
ACTION's Year by the Numbers
Looking back at God's faithfulness over 2019
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25 Dec 19
Derek Dearth, Associate USA Director
Merry Christmas from All of Us at ACTION!
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12 Dec 19
Thomas Smoak, International Director
International Office Christmas Catalog
The projects featured in the 2019 Christmas Catalog have been prayerfully selected. We pray that you may join with us this Christmas...
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19 Nov 19
Nelson Reed, International Director Emeritus
AFRICA Now Publication - November 2019
Please check out our latest issue of AFRICA Now as we look at ACTION's ministry and partnerships in Uganda.
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05 Nov 19
Rex Carlaw, USA Director Emeritus
ACTION Christmas Outreach 2019
Would you partner with us this Christmas to help give the gift of a Christmas Party to the vulnerable around the world in Brazil,...
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