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23 Jun 20
John and Grace Van Huizen, Seafarers Ministry
Seafarers Ministry Update and Prayer
The situation in our world changes every day - sometimes by the moment. There remain many questions for which we do not yet have answers....
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10 Jun 20
Dr. Wayne Whitbourne, ACTION Canada
Reflections on Racism
...I believe the following statement, written by my good friend and colleague Dr. Wayne Whitbourne, expresses our hearts as an ACTION team.
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21 May 20
Greg and Sarah Seiling, ACTION Philippines
Helping Those in Need
Over the past year, through the support of a church in Manila, our ministry has been able to provide medicine for a child who has been...
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03 May 20
Bev Carter, ACTION USA
Giving Tuesday Now
Making a Difference - #GivingTuesdayNow
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20 Apr 20
Javier Riano, ACTION Colombia
El Pacto en ACCIÓN Ministry
In one of the neediest areas of Bogota, there is the ministry called Pacto en Accion that has decided to be a light amid the darkness.
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05 Apr 20
Brian Stewart, ACTION USA Director
Snapshots from the Mission Field - April Edition
Your ACTION missionaries, after taking the necessary precautions to safeguard their own families, have adjusted to the new realities and...
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20 Mar 20
Dr. Wayne Whitbourne, ACTION Canada
COVID-19 Update - ACTION Canada
The COVID 19 virus has taken the world by storm. No one is immune to it. However, as believers, we trust the Lord through this situation....
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17 Mar 20
Brian Stewart, USA Director
Coronavirus Crisis - We Are Praying and Taking Action
Greetings from our American headquarters near Seattle, which as you know was the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in our country....
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11 Mar 20
Remembering a True Missionary Hero
Retired ACTION member Mavis Orton passed away in early March at the age of 87
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04 Mar 20
Al and Sonie – ACTION Philippines
Visiting Mindanao
Al & Sonie share about visiting Mindanao and prayer for future ministry
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